Saturday, May 25, 2013

Expedition 2013 Kick Off!

The rains are just beginning to subside, so there is no hope yet for a truck to get down South in to the villages. However, with a dirt bike, we can make it. And so, make it we did...

Over hills and mountains.

Over rivers and streams.

We made it to the village headquarters of The Body of Christ Church in Tanzania - a new church organization formed with the help of your support, by village pastors - with the vision of seeing the unreached regions of Tanzania changed by the Spirit of God. This week our task was to greet leaders and assess where things are at for the villages as we get set to begin our season. We welcomed the awesome news that a new pastor was placed in an unreached village, and he will be a part of the pastor's retreat we host this year, with special guests Mike and Anna Dow ministering.

We will also get to do a seminar for the young church in this new village, as well as show the Jesus Film there for the very first time.

The end of the rains always brings stories of hardship, and one of our outreaches will be to a village where 196 homes were destroyed by swollen rivers flooding, costing two people their lives. Our goal will be to simply love and pour out blessings on them in their time of rebuilding.

All in all, this was a great start to the season, even if John wrecked (at least temporarily) the new bike we got; laying it down on cheese-grater rocks will do that. At least the sprain and minor burns were the worst of it for John. The bike will be fixed in no more than 10 days.

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