Sunday, February 5, 2012

Digging Ditches, Drying Tears

Tonight in a house in Central Florida, there is a family - a team - crying out to God for the souls of men in a dark corner of East Africa. From a backwards cracker town God has ignited a spark that is smoldering in hidden mountain villages long chained to ancient pillars. The souls of men are not constrained by cultural  delineations. The Spirit of God is not contained by any earthly boundary.

And so we cry. We shout. We pray. We hope and we wait for our chance to return. We dig ditches and we plant seeds in anticipation of the move of God which will ultimately bring the increase. At times this labor is tedious. When you have had your hands on the plow in a place your heart runs wild, it is hard to step back into the mundane tasks and routines that you know are necessary, but that try your patience, test your mettle, and gnaw at your flesh. 

Tonight on an African mountain top unmarked by anyone in particular, there is a village - a people - crying out for the Light Of Men to keep their fires burning and warm them through the night's rains. But this isn't their loudest cry. They have encountered the living God. They have met their Lord. Jesus has walked among them. We've heard them cry out for more. We've seen the needs of their fleshly bodies and hungered with them for so much more than a meal or shelter or wealth.

So dig ditches, we will. Dig until our hands bleed and our backs ache and our flesh screams to be pampered and fed and to - even for a moment - dignify itself first. And then we will dig deeper so that the Lord might have every bit of all we have and the foundation can be laid for The Kingdom being established on an African mountaintop. And we will cry out. Together we will cry out and glorify the Lord.

“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’       Acts 17:24-28 NASB

-John Garrett & Family

TO DONATE (Checks or money orders; PayPal coming soon!):

Touching Nations Today, Inc.
19387 Hidden Oaks Dr.
Brooksville, FL 34604
"200 Team" in memo

Garrett Family
Touching Nations Today, Inc.
19387 Hidden Oaks Dr.
Brooksville, FL 34604
"3068 Garrett" in memo
@Africanjohnny on twitter
YouTube: "VisionTANZANIA.avi"
facebookJohn Nikki Gaudiosi-Garrett
facebookTouching Nations Today

Thursday, February 2, 2012



Our contact and giving information has changed. Please see the update below if you would like to contact us personally, forward our information, or consider partnering with our ministry.
In moving forward, there will be some KEY CHANGES we want you to know of:

1. Our email address will be changing to and soon also You will receive a bunch of things from that new address shortly after this email.
2. Our administrative covering will be shifting from Overland Missions to Touching Nations Today. Our time under Overland was one of great growth and we look forward to still working together closely in Tanzania. Touching Nations Today (TNT) has covered the Mirabellas (our team) for some time and for reasons of ease and continuity we will move forward under TNT for now. A special thanks to Phil and Sharon Smethurst and to the entire overland Team for all they have poured out for us in the past year. 
3. With the change to TNT, some of our giving information has changed, including check writing instructions and contact info. See the end of this email and the giving forms attached to the email we send from
4. We will be beginning to host most of our stories and testimonies exclusively online in various places, from Facebook to and others. You can expect a monthly newsletter, as well as occasional reminders and reports, but the majority of our stories will be linked to one of the other sites and all you will have to do is click on them from our email to see them.
5. Visit the Touching Nations Today page on Facebook!

We love you all! If you have questions or need to contact us, or even if you just wanna say hi while we are Stateside, give us a call! 813.486.7632

The Garrett Family
@Africanjohnny on twitter
YouTube: "VisionTANZANIA.avi"
facebook: John Nikki Gaudiosi-Garrett

Touching Nations Today, Inc.
19387 Hidden Oaks Drive
Brooksville FL 34604
For giving:
Garrett #3068 in the memo of your check. Direct debit and credit card giving options are available. Call or email for details.